

Participation in Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Mansour Award - Sixth Session

Fellow members of the Arab Publishers` Association
The Arab Publishers` Association presents you with its best regards, and we inform you that the door for participation in the Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Mansour Award for Arab Publishers has been opened in its sixth session for the year 2024 under the title (Palestine is Our Story) within the following specifications:
     The novel must be from the 2023-2024 editions and the composition must be individual.
     Participation for members of the Arab Publishers` Association.
     Receiving nomination applications until 15/7/2024.
     The prize fund is USD 20,000.
Entries are accepted only through the official website of the award, and the publisher is required to participate in the award by logging in, filling out the form and uploading the attachments through the following link:
For telephone inquiries:
Award Coordinator: Mr. Saleh Al-Ghazi
Mobile: 0096597363769     
Yours sincerely,
 Haitham Hafez
Chairman of the Professional Development Committee

Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Mansour Award for Arabic Publisher
(Sixth session)
Palestine is our story

The Arab Publishers` Association announces the opening of participation in the Dr. Abdul Aziz Al-Mansour Award for Arab Publishers in its sixth session for the year 2024 under the title (Palestine is Our Story) within the following specifications:
     The two fields of the award are in the novel and the collection of short stories, provided that the focus of the creative text is Palestine.
     The collection of short stories is at least 20,000 words.
     The novel is at least 20,000 words.
     The creative text should be in Arabic in its first edition and published in paper and not translated.
     of 2023-2024 editions.
     The composition must be individual.
     Participation for members of the Arab Publishers` Association.
     Submit only one book in one of the two fields.
     The prize fund is $20,000 (100% for the publisher).
     Fill, sign, stamp and upload the participation form on the award website with the following attachments:
1. A copy of the book PDF including the cover of the book.
2. A biography of the house, a biography of the author and a biography of the book in 200 words.
3. An undertaking from the publisher of the ownership rights of the book in which he participates.
4. A recent letter from the Arab Publishers` Association stating the publisher's membership and commitment to intellectual property laws.
Nomination applications are received until 15/7/2024 only on the award website:

Participation Form

Name of participating house: .....................................................................................................
Country.................................. Email: .............................................................
Mailing address ..........................................................................................................
Phone Number: ...............................................................................................................
House Manager Name: ...........................................................................................................
Email of the House Manager: ........................................ Mobile Manager House: ............................
Title of the nominated book: ..................................................................................................
Genre (collection of short stories or novel): ..................................... Word Count: ...........................
Year of Publication: .................... Edition number: .................. ISBN: ......................................
Author Name: ..................................................... Author Nationality: .....................................
*The subscriber undertakes that the nominated book has not won any Arab award until the closing date of accepting works.
* The participant undertakes to accept the results of the award as they are final and not challenged or reviewed.
* The subscriber undertakes that the nominated book was printed on paper before the date of submission for the award and is obligated to send the required copies to the Union in the event that the award administration requests hard copies.
Entries are accepted only through the official website of the award / and upload the participation form and the required attachments in the award announcement.
To subscribe, the publisher is required to log in to the official website of the award:
Signature of the participating house Date of submission: .... / .../ 2024 Seal of the participating house


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